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Research Requests: Calls for Participants

Submitting a research request

To submit a research call for participants, please contact Barry Murphy, Research and Policy Officer

Please send an outline of your research, in particular:

  • Background, aims and title of the study
  • Recruitment process and what’s expected of participants
  • Format – interview, online survey, questionnaire
  • Confidentiality
  • Evidence of ethics approval from your university – confirmation your project has received clearance. We do not require your actual ethics application
  • Contact information for the researcher and supervisor
  • A poster or advertisement material that can be used to promote your study.
  • Please note, A4 posters are OK for Twitter/X, LinkedIn and Facebook, but are not the correct dimensions for Instagram.
  • For Instagram, please create your poster using one of the following size dimensions: 1080×1080 or 1080×608 or 1080×350.

Access to participants

Interview venues – Please note: Bodywhys is not in a position to provide office space for research interviews, nor can recordings take place in our office.

Although we can post research requests on our website and social media accounts, Bodywhys cannot provide researchers with direct access to a range or sample of participants, nor can we guarantee any level of interest, participation or response. Researchers cannot sit in to observe any of our support services.

Taking part in research – Advisory note

Some people who have had personal experience of an eating disorder can find participating in research to be a triggering experience. If you feel this applies to you, please ensure that you read the study and participant information sheets carefully before participating. Contacting the researcher with questions you have can be useful if you are unsure about taking part. You could also, if you wish, discuss your participation with someone you trust before deciding whether to take part.

Research Panel

Bodywhys receives requests from professional researchers and third level students who are undertaking research on eating disorders. We are inviting people to become part of a research panel.

This panel is open to people who have experience of an eating disorder as a family member, as someone who has an eating disorder or as someone who is recovered or feels they are in recovery. Your details will be kept confidentially within Bodywhys and as research opportunities arise, you will be sent (most likely emailed) a copy of the research proposal and contact details for the researcher. It will then be entirely up to you whether you want to participate in that particular project.

Most projects are done on a voluntary basis but you may receive money to cover any expenses. Most projects take the form of a questionnaire. In some cases, you may be invited to be part of a focus group with other people who have similar experiences as you.

Research Panel Application Form

– Research Panel Application Form

Current Research Requests

Online survey on body sensations

January 2025

    Background and aims Researchers at the University of York are recruiting participants to take part in an online survey about how people interpret the sensations they get from their body. This data is…

Cyberbullying Experiences and Mental Health Impacts among Higher Education Students in Ireland

December 2024

The background of the project involves anyone who is between 18 to 25 years old. We also want to highlight that we are not looking for participants having cyberbullying experiences only. The study includes individuals…

Engagement to digital mental health interventions among university students with mental health difficulties: qualitative study

November 2024

Background Mental health difficulties represent a growing global burden with more than 50% of young people falling outside the normal range for depression and anxiety (Dooley et al., 2019). Given that most mental health problems…

Personality Style of Therapists in Ireland

November 2024

The aim of this research is to understand how therapists’ theoretical approaches, cultural backgrounds, and personal characteristics influence their professional practice. By completing a short sociodemographic survey and the Personal Style Questionnaire (PST-Q), it will…

Development of the Adolescent Sibling Experience of Eating Disorders Scale (ASEEDS)

October 2024

Background, aims and title of the study: We are piloting a new scale, which measure siblings' experiences of having a brother or sister with an eating disorder.  The aim of this study is to fill…

What’s on your Plate? The Impact of Major Life Events and Locus of Control on Eating Habits

October 2024

About this study This research project aims to identify a relationship between locus of control, major life events, and eating habits (meal skipping, meal planning, food choices, emotional eating, etc.). The hypotheses are that those…

The Relationship between Menopause and Disordered Eating Survey

August 2024

Laura Brosnan, Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology, School of Health in Social Science, the University of Edinburgh, is researching the relationship between menopause and disordered eating. Find out more here. This study has received ethics…

Investigating Cognitive Factors Related to Eating Disorders *Closed*

July 2024

  As of 04/08/24, this study is closed. Background: You are invited to take part in this research investigating the role of cognitive flexibility, perfectionism and rumination in eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours. Please…

Study on eating and core beliefs *Now closed*

July 2024

*As of December 2024, this study is closed* Background Amaani Hatoum is a Doctoral Researcher currently completing a PhD thesis at the University of Sydney, under the supervision of Associate Professor Maree Abbott, Dr Amy…

Assessing the Influence of Caregiver Factors on Family-Based Treatment (FBT) for Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders

June 2024

Background: This study evaluates a new measure of the strengths and challenges caregivers experience during treatment for their child/adolescent’s eating disorder. A systematic review and Delphi study were conducted to develop the measure, designed to…

Exploring Predictors of Orthorexia in Exercisers: Perfectionism, Body Image, Social Media and Vulnerability to Disease *Now closed*

April 2024

Note: As of July 2024, this study is closed. Postgraduate researcher Robyn Jones is currently completing research investigating perfectionism, body image disturbance, social media addiction and perceived vulnerability to disease as potential predictors of orthorexia…

An Inner View of the Outer Self: An Investigation into the Relationship between Body Image and Attitudes towards Aesthetic Procedures in Irish Adults across the Lifespan

April 2024

Background: This research is about the relationship between different aspects of body image and attitudes towards aesthetic procedures among adults in Ireland. The specific aspects of body image that will be looked at include: body functionality…

A mixed methods evaluation of caregivers’ experiences in caring for a young person with an eating disorder

April 2024

Carers are invited to participate in a study being conducted by researchers at Swinburne University in partnership with Eating Disorders Families Australia. This study aims to explore the impact of caring for a young person…

Development of the Adolescent Sibling Experience of Eating Disorders Scale (ASEEDS)

April 2024

Researchers are currently recruiting siblings aged 11+ who have a brother or sister with an eating disorder (any sub-type) to take part in 2 interviews,  to create a novel questionnaire to measure siblings' experiences of…

Exploring the relationships between eating disorders, autism, alexithymia and interoception

March 2024

Researchers at University College London are carrying out a study titled 'Exploring the relationships between eating disorders, autism, alexithymia and interoception' The researchers are seeking participants with a clinical diagnosis of any eating disorder to take…

An exploration of clinicians’ experience of working online with young people and their families using the Maudsley Family-Based Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa (FBT).

February 2024

Researcher at University of Roehampton, London, Angela Matwasa, is carrying out a study titled 'An exploration of clinicians’ experience of working online with young people and their families using the Maudsley Family-Based Treatment for Anorexia…

An exploration of Orthorexia Nervosa tendencies in young adults in Ireland

February 2024

Researcher at University College Dublin, Shakira Browne, is carrying out a study titled 'An exploration of Orthorexia Nervosa tendencies in young adults in Ireland'. The study aims to further inform the current understanding regarding whether…

Exploring Body Image and Disordered Eating in Primary School Teachers: The Role of Body Talk, with Self-Objectification as a Mediator

February 2024

MSc researcher at Northumbria University Newcastle, Siobhan Hennelly, is carrying out a study titled 'Exploring Body Image and Disordered Eating in Primary School Teachers: The Role of Body Talk, with Self-Objectification as a Mediator'. If…

An exploration of the lived experiences of individuals with ADHD who have recovered from an eating disorder.

January 2024

Researcher at Trinity College Dublin, Jill Jenkinson, is carrying out a study titled 'An exploration of the lived experiences of individuals with ADHD who have recovered from an eating disorder.' The research will involve a…

Imagining the body : Do our beliefs about our appearance affect how we imagine movement?

November 2023

Researcher, Akansha Naraindas is recruiting participants for their PhD research titled 'Imagining the body : Do our beliefs about our appearance affect how we imagine movement?' Akansha invites women aged 18-50 years living and residing…

TikTok Youth Advisory Group Recruitment

November 2023

PhD researcher, Orla McGovern (School of Psychology in Dublin City University), is exploring ways in which TikTok can be optimized as a platform to support youth mental health help-seeking. As part of this project, Orla…

Surveying Expert Groups to Progress Translational Research for Eating Disorders

September 2023

This study has received ethics approval from Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee.

Adult eating disorders: The counsellor’s experience

September 2023

Eimear Dilleen is study for a BSc (Hons) in Counselling and Psychotherapy and is conducting research about counsellors' experiences of working with adults with eating disorders. Format: This research uses an interview format via Zoom/Teams.…

The Lived Experience of Binge Eating Disorder: An Exploration of Diagnosis and Therapeutic Treatment

August 2023

This study has received approval from the Research and Ethics Committee of PCI College. Researcher's contact details: Lynn McGovern

Efficacy and safety of COMP360 psilocybin therapy in anorexia nervosa: a proof-of-concept study

August 2023

Background Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a disabling disorder presenting with several psychiatric and physical comorbidities. Incidence rates vary from 4.2–12.6 per 100,000 person-years for females to 1 per 100,000 person-years for males. AN often develops…

Impact of the CAMHS Kerry Review and Maskey Report on caregiver and staff views of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

April 2023

Professor Fiona McNicholas (Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) and Dr Laura Bond (Senior Registrar in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), are conducting a research study to explore caregiver’s and clinician’s views on CAMHS services in Ireland…

New international eating disorders study seeking advocates and experts

March 2023

A team of researchers at University of Melbourne and Mental Health First Aid are conducting a new study to update the mental health first aid guidelines for eating disorders. These guidelines provide safe and effective…

Research on the Eating Disorder Voice – looking for Psychotherapists working with Eating Disorders.

January 2023

Researcher Marieke Coogan (Dublin Business School), is conducting research on the eating disorder voice and its potential use in the treatment of eating disorders.  Marieke is looking for psychotherapists who have experience working with eating…

Online Study: Anxiety, fear and disgust conditioning in people with eating disorders

January 2023

Researcher Sevgi Bektaş (Kings College London), is recruiting participants for an online study which focuses on anxiety, fear and disgust conditioning in people with eating disorders. See the information sheet below: [embeddoc url="" information sheet="all"…

Experiences of Emotional Eating in Adults: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

November 2022

Researcher Katie Duffy (Clinical Psychology at University College Dublin), is recruiting participants for a study which focuses on the concept of emotional eating in an adult population who do not have a clinically diagnosed eating…

International survey to better understand lived experience of individuals with an eating disorder who are on prescription medication and/or other drugs for recreational/ and or therapeutic purposes

November 2022

Researcher, Sarah-Catherine Rodan, at the University of Sydney is currently coordinating two novel clinical trials to improve treatments for anorexia nervosa. Part of this research aims to better understand the lived experience of individuals with…

Transgenerational trauma in eating disorders

July 2022

Are you 18 years or older? Have you received a formal diagnosis of an eating disorder? Are you aware of any transgenerational trauma in your family? Jennifer Barry is Trainee Clinical Psychologist in Trinity College…

The impact of COVID-19 public health restrictions on individuals with eating disorders: A qualitative approach

June 2022

Researcher Niamh Marron from the University of Limerick is examining how lockdowns and public health restrictions may have negatively or positively impacted on individuals’ eating disorder recovery process. This study has received ethics clearance from…

Investigating the impact of causal attributions on anorexia nervosa stigma in Ireland

June 2022

Rebecca Forde is conducting research which focuses on the Irish public's perceptions of an individual with anorexia nervosa and she is investigating stigma in the Irish population regarding this eating disorder. The aim of this…

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, That Is Not What I Look Like at All: Exploring Self-Perception


Researcher Jade Portingale from the University of Melbourne  is completing a research project titled 'Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, That Is Not What I Look Like at All: Exploring Self-Perception'. The aim of this research project…

An Investigation of the Relationship between the Aetiology and Treatment of Eating Disorders: do the possible causes of eating disorders affect how Counsellors choose to approach treatment with clients?


Researcher Morgan McSherry from Ulster University is completing a research project titled 'An Investigation of the Relationship between the Aetiology and Treatment of Eating Disorders: do the possible causes of eating disorders affect how Counsellors…

Factors Associated with the Secrecy of Adolescent Eating Disorders: Mental Health Professionals’ Perspective


Researcher Aiste Sabaliauskaite  from DCU School of Psychology is completing a research project titled 'Factors Associated with the Secrecy of Adolescent Eating Disorders: Mental Health Professionals' Perspective'. This research project aims to investigate the effects…

A Transdiagnostic Approach to Orthorexic Behaviours


Researcher Hannah Rudden from Trinity College Dublin is completing a research project 'A Transdiagnostic Approach to Orthorexic Behaviours' - exploring relationships between eating attitudes, behaviours and body image. You can reach Hannah on:, if…

Professional Perspectives on Developing Approaches to Early Identification of Eating Disorders


Researcher Holly Browne from Dublin City University is completing a research project exploring professional perspectives on early identification of eating disorders. You can reach Holly on:, if you are interested in taking part. This…