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Secondary Schools and Youth Groups

What Bodywhys Offer Schools

Bodywhys believes that teachers and youth workers are often the best placed to help detect, prevent and support young people affected by eating disorders. Teachers can also effectively promote awareness of eating disorders and promote positive body image within the school setting. Bodywhys have a range of supports for teachers in both secondary and primary schools including teacher training, evidence informed resources to use in the classroom and other support options.

Staff training

Bodywhys offer training webinars throughout the school year to provide teachers, school staff and youth workers with an understanding of eating disorders and body image issues to support them in early recognition of an eating disorder or body image concerns in a student and the correct pathways to follow should a concern arise. Early intervention and treatment of an eating disorder can greatly increase the likelihood of a successful recovery and the long term well-being of the person affected. Please email with Primary School Teacher Training or Secondary School Teacher Training in the subject heading to receive more information.

Secondary Schools and Youth Groups

Bodywhys has a limited capacity to provide in-person talks and ‘workshops for students at second level to promote awareness of eating disorders and to promote positive body image, media and social media literacy.

The ‘Be Body Positive’ talk/workshops (70-80 minutes duration) are delivered to class groups. These workshops are intended to promote awareness of eating disorders and the supports available and to promote positive body image through discussion of current influences to body image such as media, peers, social media, practical ways to challenge these pressures, and tips to support students in improving body image and building a positive, supportive relationship with their bodies.

Please contact info@bodywhys to register interest in school talks/webinars and relevant events for the 2024/2025 school year. There is no charge for Bodywhys workshops, webinars and events (though as a charity organisation we can accept donations).

Free Information Sheets and Posters

A selection of free information sheets, leaflets and posters are available for schools. Please contact to request copies.

School Project Groups

Body image, media literacy and eating disorders are popular topic choices for students who are interested in participating in the Young Social Innovators (YSI), Transition Year Annual Show, Cycle Against Suicide or other mental health promotion events. These topics are also popular with Leaving Cert Applied. Workshops can be arranged with project groups on request. Bodywhys input to the relevant project group can acknowledge and support their interest in promoting awareness of these important issues.

The Bodywhys #MoreThanASelfie Programme

The evidence informed #MoreThanASelfie programme includes four lessons with accompanying student workbooks and facilitators guides. The #MoreThanASelfie programme was designed in collaboration with young people and teachers to promote media and social media literacy, positive body image and to foster a peer supportive environment to promote and maintain positive body image and self-esteem.

The #MoreThanASelfie programme is suitable for all Junior Cycle students and may be particularly helpful for first year groups to encourage a supportive classroom environment where individual differences are celebrated and where positive body image can grow.

The #MoreThanASelfie programme was piloted in three secondary schools which were selected based on location, gender and school type. This pilot phase of the research was carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Mental Health and Community Research in Maynooth University and all materials used were rigorously reviewed and approved by the Social Research Ethics Committee at Maynooth University.

The results from the pilot phase are a positive endorsement of the programme. The participant evaluation forms clearly indicate student enjoyment of the programme. The vast majority of participants indicated that the lessons were good for their class (91.4%) and that they would like a younger sibling or friend to receive these lessons (87.9%).

The results also indicate some positive changes in relation to body image and attitudes to appearance in students who received the programme, lessening the impact of the muscular ideal for males and a lessening of perceived appearance-related pressure for females. Some positive changes were also noted in relation to social media behaviours.

The ‘Be Body Positive’ Flag Initiative

The ‘Be Body Positive’ Flag initiative aims to encourage schools, youth groups, colleges, clubs and organisations to actively promote positive body image in children and young people. It is intended to enhance and reward positive action taken in relation to promoting positive body image.

If you are interested receiving a ‘Be Body Positive’ initiative application form and information pack please contact