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The Phenomenological Inquiry of Underlying Feelings in Eating Disorders

This research aims to understand the past painful, underlying emotional experiences of shame and pride in individuals recovered from an eating disorder (restricting type), from when they were experiencing their eating disorder. The study aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the underlying emotions that drive the eating disorder process, to assist in facilitating others through to recovery.

Who can take part?

  • If you are 18 years or older
  • If you had been diagnosed with an eating disorder by a mental health professional
  • If you are now recovered and have been symptom-free for two years

What will participation involve?

  • A short questionnaire to reflect on your emotional experience of developing an eating disorder, living with it and recovering from the disorder across a timeline.
  • This will be followed by an in-person interview conducted by the trainee researcher

It should not take longer than 60 to 90 minutes to complete the interview with the provision of breaks. If you would like to review the questions ahead of participation, you are welcome to explore the idea before providing informed consent.


This study has been granted ethical approval by the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin and is in collaboration with Bodywhys and Kielty Oberlin, PhD, eating disorders treatment specialist and Counselling Psychologist.

How to sign up/further information?

If you would like to participate, please email Su Baruah at (Trainee Researcher), or call 086 2769719.